Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My dream, my future

When I was a child, my teachers and parents always ask one thing that stuck in my mind ‘till now: “What is your dream?”  And as I answer their question to me, they always leave something that will help me pursue it, “‘People who have no dreams of the future will not fly far away.” Because of those inspiring words from my parents, teachers, family members and my friends, I always try my best to do everything that I can to make it real and come to life.

One of the best moments in my life was when I was awarded as “Best in Mathematics” in my elementary life. It’s a WOW! A priest was the one who was invited to award us in our recognition during that time. This priest was very good and kind to us, who were still little kids. He always embrace and kiss our foreheads whenever we go to him. As I was called on the stage to receive my certificate and medal, he asked me what would I want to be. And I answered that I want to be a teacher just like my grandmother. And then he frowned. “I advise you to take accountancy instead. There, you can explore more of yourself and your talent in Mathematics. Accountancy is a bigger world, hija. You should take it and dream big. Dream bigger!” And that sentences made me wonder for weeks. Should I? Should I follow a priest’s advice? Or should I just stick to my plans?

After that, I imagined myself as an accountant. Yes! Father is correct. I can be a teacher but that would be as it is, a teacher with kids to be taught. Being a teacher will let you be on one place only and it is happening repeatedly every year but with different people to teach. Being an accountant will let you travel farther. You can explore different aspects in your favorite subject and it’s one thing that I want as school girl.

We all have different ways to make our dreams come true. But, we all have the same starting line and that is to study well. Education will lead you anywhere you wanted to be. Education, as they say, is the key to success. It is true. Education is your passport to your dreams because without it, you will be useless and dumb.

I will try my best to do my dream job in the future, and if I fail or I have problems with my studies, I will keep on dreaming to overcome the problem and keep believing I will have a good life in the future. I will always try to follow my dreams and I will make it my inspiration for every day.The problems that I will have to face are just something that would not make me weaker. 

Problems are meant to make you stronger and better. Problems will teach you lessons that will enhance your capability and thinking. Problems are nothing but problems that you will overcome as long as you have faith and if believe in HIM, because God will always be your wall when you failed. And he will be your only strength when feel like giving up on that dream.

There is nothing impossible in this world. Everything is possible as long as you believe in it. You should make your dream come true and live with it. You should make your dream come to life and love it as if your life depended on it. Hence, my dream, my future!

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